CyberMyths have arrived!



Whoa! What an experience!

Folks who participated in the whitelisting, please check if you have received the NFT

The random number generated from VRF Contract is 228. So 90 wallets from 228 will receive the NFTs, rest will be given to selected liquidity providers. You can check the VRF contract

To all the lucky people who have bagged the NFT in this sale- Congratulations! You have 48 hours to claim it!

The remaining participants, please do not lose your heart. We will be back soon with yet another opportunity for you to bag a DeMons NFT this time much sooner.

You can retrieve your funds and put them up for liquidity on XCAD DEX for a whooping 1500+% APY. The reward for participating in the sale will be airdropped with the Staking Portal on our website. The Staking Portal is going live in a week!

We have received a fantastic response to this sale! Your participation has made this sale successful!

And has added yet another feather to our cap! 😉

Cheers to all you awesome people!

— Team DeMons

